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Stamford Advocate Police News

Stamford cop charged with DUI in Bridgeport crash was nearly double the legal limit, warrant says

The police officer placed on administrative leave following a drunken-driving incident in Bridgeport had a blood alcohol content above the legal limit, according to the warrant for his arrest.

Police investigate bomb threat at CT Attorney General Tong's Stamford home

Attorney General William Tong said he and his family are safe.

Stamford man sentenced to 26 years in prison for recording his sexual abuse of a minor, feds say

A citizen of Ecuador who last resided in Stamford pleaded guilty to production of child pornography March 5, officials said.

Stamford police officer placed on leave following drunken driving arrest

The officer was arrest by Bridgeport police Feb. 10, nearly a month after the alleged Jan. 19 incident.

Man wounded by 'machete-style' knife in Stamford stabbing, police say

Police said the victim reported that the stabbing stemmed from an altercation over a cellphone.

New lawyer for Michelle Troconis, convicted in Dulos case, says contempt charge is 'garbage'

Michelle Troconis, serving a 14½-year sentence in the death of Jennifer Dulos, appeared in court Wednesday on a contempt of court charge.

Stamford Advocate Local News

Stamford YMCA long-term purchase cost could rise nearly 5X to $24M, finance board told

"I don’t like the idea of the city buying more real estate and then being responsible to manage and maintain more real estate," said member Dennis Mahoney.

Students at Stamford's smallest high school could soon build their own airplane with new program

The educational nonprofit Tango Flight is looking to bring their program — where students build an entire airplane — to the city's smallest high school.

Stamford cop charged with DUI in Bridgeport crash was nearly double the legal limit, warrant says

The police officer placed on administrative leave following a drunken-driving incident in Bridgeport had a blood alcohol content above the legal limit, according to the warrant for his arrest.

Police investigate bomb threat at CT Attorney General Tong's Stamford home

Attorney General William Tong said he and his family are safe.

Stamford developer adds 23 apartments to High Ridge Road near Merritt Parkway

An office building on High Ridge Road in Stamford near the Merritt Parkway has been turned into apartments and opened to leasing at the end of last year.

Stamford man sentenced to 26 years in prison for recording his sexual abuse of a minor, feds say

A citizen of Ecuador who last resided in Stamford pleaded guilty to production of child pornography March 5, officials said.

Police 1

‘Would not stop the violence’: Video shows man charge at Wyo. officers with bat before fatal OIS

The man struck a cruiser with a bat and tried to open the door; a Thermopolis PD officer bumped him with the cruiser, but he remained aggressive

Kash Patel confirmed as FBI director by Senate

Patel joined Trump’s first administration both as a counterterrorism official at the National Security Council and as chief of staff to the defense secretary in 2017

'Nothing but impressive': Video shows wounded N.M. sergeant manage OIS scene

Albuquerque PD Sgt. Brandon Watts returned fire after being shot in the hip by a suspect; after a tourniquet was applied to his leg, he got back up and continued to direct officers

BWC: Accused thieves caught with $38,000 in stolen clothing

“A search of the suspect vehicle revealed a number of Lululemon clothing products, most of which still had the price tags and hangers attached to them,” the Atlanta PD posted

Underweight baby seal rescued from street by Conn. PD officers

“We assumed he was here to try the clam pizza but I can’t confirm that, we’re just happy he’s safe,” New Haven Police Department Officer Christian Bruckhart said

N.C. officers find nearly 150 pounds of crystal meth embedded in paving stones

A Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office K-9 sniffed out narcotics in the stones, which were hollow and contained a same-shaped container holding 800 grams of crystal meth

Public Safety Labor News

Officers’ Social Media Posts On Matters Of Public Concern Not Protected By The First Amendment

The Plain View Project, which collected Facebook posts and comments made by current and former police officers from across the United States, became publicly available in 2017. The database contained over 3,000 posts attributed to Philadel­phia police officers, 593 of which were tied to the plaintif

Montana Supreme Court Enforces Arbitration Award Reinstating Officer Who Failed Fitness For Duty Exam

Rhonda Staton was hired as a police officer by the City and County of Butte-Silver Bow (BSB), Montana in 2001, and she was promoted to de­tective in 2008. In 2017, she received a verbal reprimand for tardiness, and another in 2018 for refusing to investigate underage drinking at a football game. In

Challenge To Indiana Police Certification Decision Must Be Raised Through Proper Channel

In the summer of 2021, Deputy Sheriff R.L. and his wife attended a party together where R.L. drank and became angry. After they returned home, R.L.’s wife contacted friends and told them that R.L. was drunk and belligerent, having put her in handcuffs and threatened to arrest her. The friends notifi

Timing Of Police Transfer Alone Not Sufficient To Establish Anti-Union Animus

Nick Martens was a police officer in the city of Marion, Iowa. Martens also served as the president of the Marion Policeman’s Protective Association. In that capacity, Martens sent an email to management reporting a complaint on behalf of a Union member which alleged­ly contained factual inaccuracie

Individual Officer Lacks Standing To Appeal Discipline Arbitration Award

Leroy Williams, a special police officer with the District of Columbia’s Department of General Services (DGS), was terminated in August 2019 for conduct relating to two unauthorized traffic stops the previous March. Upon receiving a final notice of separation, Williams was presented with three optio

NJ Distressed City Law Does Not Preempt Arbitration Award Requiring Acting Pay

The Paterson Deputy Fire Chiefs Association represents Deputy Fire Chiefs in the City of Paterson, New Jersey. For about ten years, the City has been designated as a “city in dis­tress” by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA). As a result, the City entered into a Mem­orandum of Under